World’s 1st Rentee-to-Rentee House Search Portal

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Find Your Next Rental House Directly From Houses Listed by Tenants Like You

Find Your Next Rental House Directly From Houses Listed by Tenants Like You

  • Avoid Brokerage. Lower Your Rent
  • Best Houses Not Always Listed by Owners
  • Search From Houses Listed Directly By Fellow Tenants In Your Desired Area
  • Start 1-2 months before you need new home. List your current rental house and be among firsts to access rentee listings comming in next 1-2 months, accees listings present
    • It's hassle free as per feedbacks from tenants
    • Until you find next house on rent for yourself, your listed house will not be booked by other tenant
    • Just take out 10 min on any single day in a week (for max 2-3 weeks) as per your convenience to allow other tenants to visit your listed house. No calls & messages. In return, you can visit as many Rentee Listed houses as possible.
    • Smooth & safe house visits. Verified tenants
  • Start With Passive Listing - No 10 min Appt.
    • Rentees will not visit your listed house. You can explore listings by others. Don't select 10 min.
    • Unsure about changing home? Not yet informed owner? Or want to be more familiar with M&B, do this
    • You can later select 10 min or remove your listing
  • List Today & Get 3 Month Subscription Free

Here's What It Is


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Bear Realises Future of House Renting While Sleeping in a Den

- This will change the way you find a house on rent

I live in a rented house. I have spent a lot of money on brokerage while finding my rental house each time. But last time, I did not have to. I also found a best type of house. Do you want to know how?

What It Is?

Quite often, best quality flats are held by brokers and not always available through owners posting adds.

During my last rental home search tour, I accidentally came across another fellow rentee (tenant) searching for a rental house. He was looking for a good quality flat in my area. I quickly offered him to check my flat as I was going to leave it in a month. He liked my flat.

I also got an opportunity to see his flat and found it was as per my new requirements. We spoke with the respective owners and grabbed our next rental houses at a rent

lower than it would have been with broker and that too without brokerage.

What if you find such a rentee? Is it possible? Definitely yes. Let me explain how.

Monk & Bear (M&B)

Monk & Bear can make it possible for you. You will find such flats, houses referred or listed by many fellow rentees available for you. You can see their pictures, video and if liked can visit the property during the specified appointment period, your fellow rentee will assist you in showing the house, you need not call him. If liked, M&B will negotiate the deal between you and the flat owner and if everything goes well you will get your rental home without having to pay any brokerage.

Start to End Journey

Monk & Bear will be with you from start to end in your entire journey of finding a house.

We use world class processes and algorithms to verify the rentees, owners and to keep brokers out of the system. We will also negotiate with the house owners to get you a good deal.

Easy and Innovative

You might be thinking listing your current rental home could be a bit hassle. We have made it easy. I guarantee. We ensure that untill you find next rental house, your listed house is not booked by other rentee. Our experts have designed a quick registration process that took less than 2 min to list a house in our testing. We expect you to choose only 10 min in a week on any day as per your convenience to allow other rentees to visit your current rented house.

And in return you will get access to houses listed by other fellow rentees and owners and assistance in visiting them. No calls from any rentee, M&B assures you.

Find the House First

You can visit as many houses as you can till you get a house of your desire. Once you find a house of your choice and deal is booked, we will ask you to pay nominal fee of just Rs 999/-. If you do not get a deal, do not pay any fees.

Your Trusted Partner

M&B’s prime aim is to serve you best. A good house may get booked quickly - in a week or two. So, if you have decided to find next rental house in 1-2 months, list your current rental house and get started as early as possible. Give a try to our rentee to rentee service and find your next rental home. And remember, if you think you may not find a house, you have nothing to lose - we will not ask for any fees. What if you find? Which would definitely be the case as many rentees are now preferring this idea now.

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List Your Current Rental House & Find the Next One From the Houses Listed by All Other Tenants in Your Area

  • Avoid Brokerage. Lower Your Rent.
  • Visit Houses Fulfilling Your Requirements
  • Only 10 Min in a Week for the Tenants to Visit Your Listed House
  • Until You Find Next Rental House, Your Listed House Is Not Booked By Other Rentee
Get Started List in 2 min

How It Works?

1 Quick Registration
  • Register & list your current rental house in < 2 min
  • Ensure you are planning to leave your current rental house in next 2-3 months
  • Get access to houses listed by fellow rentees (tenants) and owners
3 Search for Desired House
  • Search for desired houses
  • Check property details
  • See property pictures & videos
5 Negotiate and Grab Deal
  • You find a desired house
  • Request Monk & Bear to negotiate with the owner
  • Monk & Bear negotiates and fixes the deal
  • Pay nominal fees to Monk & Bear
  • Submit documents & pay token amount to the owner
2 Verification
  • M&B verifies retees (tenants) & their listings
  • Brokers are kept out of the system
4 Visit Shortlisted Houses
  • Shortlist a house
  • Get house address, appointment time for visiting
  • Visit the house following visiting guidelines
  • Take out just 10min in a week on any day to allow fellow tenants or rentees to visit your listed house
6 Rent Agreement
  • Submit documents and get rent agreement
Negotiate & Grab
the Deal