About Monk and Bear

Monk & Bear aims to assist tenants or rentees in their rental home search in India. Tenants need easiest, hassle free and cost effective way to find a house on rent. Though service provided by the brokers is helpful, they charge brokerage and many tenants feel it is quite high. There are many owners now days who are directly listing their houses for rent. When we asked tenants we came to know that tenants can’t always find houses suiting their requirements from the owners posting adds and they need to turn back to brokers and finally end up paying high brokerage that they are trying to avoid.
Monk & Bear provides an innovative way for the tenants or rentees to find their next rental house. It is a Tenant-to-Tenant or Rentee-to-Rentee portal that enables tenants to connect, collaborate with each other and exchange the houses that they are trying to vacate in near future. Thus a tenant can find a house that other tenant is looking to vacate in near future and helps other tenants find a house that he or she is trying to vacate in near future. Tenants can also find owner listed houses. Tenants can avoid high brokerages. The process has been made easy for tenants. Though we have recently started in year 2022, with great customer service efforts more and more tenants have started increasingly trusting us.
Monk and Bear aims to –
  • Make it very easy and cost effective for tenants or rentees to find a house of their choice on rent through innovative Rentee-to-Rentee solution.
  • Assist tenants/rentees & be with them throughout their journey of rental home search and provide excellent customer service.
Equanimous Real Estate Service, a start-up started in year 2022, has a vision to solve real estate related problems innovatively. Our current focus is on helping tenants/rentees find a rental house of his choice in easiest possible way without having to pay any brokerages.eat customer service efforts more and more tenants have started increasingly trusting us.